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Cookies Policy
What is the cookie?
The cookie is a small file of text information, which a web site transfers from the web browser to your computer’s hard disc, both temporary, while your visit lasts, or sometimes for longer period, depending on the cookie type. The cookies perform certain functions (including to distinguish you from the other users of the same web site or to store certain related to you information, such as your preferences) and are used by most of the web sites to render the surfing easier. 
Each cookie is unique for your web browser and it shall contain same anonymous information. The cookie usually contains the name of the domain it comes from, the cookie’s life expectancy and value (usually in the form of randomly generated number).  
Types of cookies
The main types of cookies, used by the web sites, are described herein below:

  • Session cookies
These are temporary cookies, which remain in the file with the cookies on your web browser only fort he duration of your visit and are deleted when you close the browser.
  • Persistent cookies
They remain in the file with cookies on your web browser after the browser is closed as well, sometimes for a period of one year or longer (the exact time period shall depend on the separate cookie’s life expectancy). The persistent cookies are used when the web site operator has to know who are you during more than one surfing session (for example to remeber your user name or preferences for customizing the web site). 
  • These are cookies placed in your browser and/or hard drive from the actual web site you visit. This includes the assigning of a unique your identity in view of tracing your movements in the web site. The web sites operators often use cookies on the home page for controlling the session and with identification purposes.
  • These are cookies used by third parties, for example social media, for tracing your visits of various sites, in which they advertise. The web site operator has no control over third parties’ cookies.

The cookies in this web site and how to work with them
In this web site we use cookies, described in the table herein below, to make the use of our web site easier for its users.  You may withdraw your already given consent for the use of these cookies at any time. If you refuse or reject the use of cookies in this web site, its functionality will not be affected materially. This however may lead to certain difficulties in the site’s navigation, and some functions may be rendered inaccessible. Moreover the deactivation of a cookie or a category of cookies will not delete already existing cookie from the browser, and you’ll have to do that separately from your own browser. See the option “Help” on your internet browser.  
The table below provides information for the cookies, including how to deactivate them, and the consequential impact on the web site’s functionality. If you need further information how to work with certain type of cookies, including how to control or delete them, please visit